The Platform

Matt Best

 WELCOME to, the home of The Platform and Matt’s central hub for contact. Here’s some information to help you navigate the page.

  1. ABOUT ME - In the About Me page, you can find more information about me (wow, what a surprise, right?). You’ll read about who I am, what I do, what draws me so much to what I do, and what makes it so interesting and unique. Next, you’ll read about The Platform, my new blog, and the Food for Thought section of the site.

  2. THE PLATFORM - The Platform is my new blog, as mentioned in my About Me section, where I describe the purpose of it, why it’s important, and why it’s an essential read. When you click on THE PLATFORM, you’ll jump right into my blog and access all of the articles written there.

  3. FOOD FOR THOUGHT - On the Food for Thought page, you will find a selection of questions and quotes for life which I have put together for deeper reflection and introspection. These questions and quotes have meant a lot to me on my personal journey through life, so I wanted to have a place where I could share them openly with others.

  4. CONTACT - Last but not least, the Contact page. This is the probably easiest one. When you click CONTACT, just scroll down, write in some personal info, type up the message, then click SEND. This can be a general question, comment, inquiry, or anything else your heart desires to send through. I love when people reach out, so please to send me something! I would love to hear from you.

Producing Positive and Meaningful Changes that Contribute to Sustainable, Long-Term Success

The Platform - thoughtful and expressive writing focused on the pursuit of truth and betterment.

“Think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” - Marcus Aurelius

To learn more about Matt and his projects, click below.